CREG is a worldwide underground
solutions provider for a wide range of mechanized tunnelling technology and services.
CREG is committed to creating a world TBM brand with innovation-driven development, and actively embraces new technologies, taking it as its own duty to be the first-class underground tunnelling service provider.
Gripper TBM is usually applied to bore hard rock. It is equipped with gripper shoes/plates which are able to push against the wall of the tunnel, providing reaction force for the cutter head and the shield, and under the action of the propulsion cylinders, the TBM moves forward.
As it is equipped with steel rib erector, shotcrete anchor and effective supports, gripper TBM can also be used in soft-rock tunnel. Gripper TBM is suitable for rocks with UCS50-300MPa, RQD 10%-100% and joint exceeding 0.6.